Acupuncture is 2000 year old practice rooted in Taoist and Buddhist philosophy. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into the body at specific points shown to be effective in the treatment of many health problems. The needles are sterile, disposable and one use only.
How acupuncture works
Traditional acupuncture is based on the ancient Chinese theories of the flow of Qi(Energy) and Xue(Blood) through distinct meridians or pathways that cover the body. According to ancient theory, acupuncture allows Qi to flow to areas where it is deficient and away from areas where it is excess. Thus, restoring a harmonious energy balance within the body. By maintaining balance in the body, Acupuncture is both a preventative and a restorative medicine. There is a Chinese saying, “without free flow, there is pain; with free flow, there is no pain.” From a Western Medical stand point, recent studies have provided a clearer understanding of how acupuncture provides an analgesic effect. Acupuncture increases the brains secretions of endorphins, the body’s naturally occurring anti-pain chemical, and also increases the amount of other Neurochemicals involved in pain transmission including serotonin and norepinephrine. Acupuncture also increases the body’s white blood cell count.
What Acupuncture treats
The World Health Organization advocates Acupuncture as a safe means of treating over one hundred diseases. Here are some of the conditions we treat:
- Acute & Chronic Back Pain
- Sprains & Strains
- Arthritis
- Sciatica
- Tennis Elbow, Neck, Shoulder & Knee Pain
- Allergies, Asthma & Sinusitis,
- Headaches & Migraines
- PMS, Endometriosis, Fertility Issues
- Menopausal Symptoms
- Nausea, Indigestion & Neuromuscular Pain During Pregnancy
- Lactation Issues
- Digestive Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease,
- Dizziness & Tinnitus
- High Blood Pressure,
- Chronic Fatigue
- Post Surgical Pain
- Anxiety, Depression & Irritability
- Insomnia
- Addiction
- Nausea & Decreased Appetite During Chemotherapy
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